Sunday, 28 January 2007


It's been a long time since I posted anything new so I though it's high time I shared some bits & bobs... Today I don't know why but I thought about my violin. Yes, I have a violin. Only some of you might know that I used to play the violin a bit. Or I should rather say - I attempted to play (if you can call it playing ) this 'mysterious' instrument. Anyway, here's the story... It's all started about 2 years ago when my grandpa (a great guy, really!) gave me his very very old violin. It's hard to believe but his father found it somewhere in a trench during the WW II. Unbelievable, I know. So when he passed it on to me, I knew that I was obliged in a way to learn how to play it and I knew my grandpa wanted it too. But I have to admit that I was very eager myself. So I took some lessons and, believe it or not, I learned few tricks. Impossible is nothing! I really enjoyed practicing it and I was proud of myself that I can actually play something because it's bloody difficult, believe me. But even more satisfactory was the moment when I saw the unbelievably happy face of my grandpa when I was playing 'Happy Birthday' for him. Unfortunately, after a year or so I quit... Sometimes I regret it all end up and I think to myself that I wasted my chance and that it could be a germ of a new hobby... Well, maybe at some point in my life I'll get myself and start again. Hopefully it won't be too late


Magdalejna said...

Hey Justine,
well i'm here first time & i want to say that i like your blog. If I make any mistakes now, please forgive me. I have only in my house guy from OZZ :P soooooooo buhahhahahaha i should write everything correctly.
cheers Magdalejna :D
PS. znowu zaczniesz grac na skrzypcach?

Justi said...

so good to hear from u Magdalejna:D No worries, perfect English hehehe. Glad u like the blog.
As for the violin, I don't know what will happen... Maybe I will try again maybe not... Time'll show;)